Have I agreed to this document before?
Yes! When you created your account originally you agreed to our Terms of Service. This change is simply making our Terms of Service more visible for our users.
Is this the same as my Independent Professional Agreement?
No. Our Terms of Services are, in general terms, a limited license to you to use our platform and provide parameters for user behavior on the platform.
Why do I have to sign our Terms of Service?
Our Terms of Service protect our customers and Workrise against misuse of our platform.
Since we handle sensitive information on a daily basis, having a formal sign-off from all users is aligned with industry best practices and regulatory requirements that you would see in similar financial services you use in your daily life to protect your sensitive information. This includes protecting you from others impersonating you to commit crimes on our platform, or present inaccurate information on your behalf.
Our Terms of Service can be found on our website here.
Can a user not agree to our Terms of Service but continue using the platform?
No. Our Terms of Service are our baseline requirements for using our platform. These can’t be revised, redlined, or rejected on a per user or per company basis. They are the same for every user.
Is this the only time I need to sign the Terms of Service?
Workrise will from time to time update our Terms of Service to better protect our customers and Workrise against misuse of our platform. In the event we make an update in the future you will be required to sign again in the same way you do today.