We made updates to your Workrise account. If you require approvals for job sheets, this update comes with a few short-term changes while we work to add new features to your experience.
Key changes include:
- Job Sheet Approvals
- You will now receive an email each time a worker submits a job sheet. Once you receive a job sheet, you’ll need to log in to your account to approve it.
- This guide walks you through how to approve a job sheet.
- Digital Stamps
- You can still include the information for your digital stamps when approving job sheets, but how you include that information has changed temporarily. This guide walks you through the new digital stamp process.
For a short time, your experience will NOT have:
- Grouped Reminders
- You will receive each job sheet as it is submitted rather than the timed reminders you may have set before. You’ll have to approve each of these individually when you log in.
- Viewing Job Sheets
- You will not have access to all of your past job sheets.
- Instead of previewing job sheets directly on your account, you will need to click into a specific job sheet, download the document, review, and approve.
- Hiring Workers and Managing Rates
- If you want to hire a new worker or change a rate, you will contact your sales rep instead of inviting them within the platform.